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We are building a community that will be able to care for itself;
generating our own energy, food, water and waste management

Regenerative Agriculture

For decades, 14 hectares of our land had been used for monocultural, 20th century agriculture; both for peanut and watermelon.

Learn more about why we need to restore the soil on a global basis.

Finca Huizache

Now it is in the process of recovery to be stronger than ever.
It sits at the conceptual and architectural center of our landscaping and regenerative efforts, that includes free/hands-on workshops on how to grow food using biological solutions that combine traditional methods with the best of modern science.

Turtle sanctuary

Our visiting neighbors are hundreds of thousands of marine turtles that have rellied on what is now our bordering beach to breed, every year; for milllions of years.

In collaboration with Federatl Enviromental Protection authorities we are set to protect these turtles by helping with patrolling to prevent egg poaching.

We will also build a nursery for educational purposes. And more importantly, we will create Economic opportunities that not only consist on more jobs, but also trainig and supporting the creation end expansion on local businesses (See Co-elevation).

Energy, water, and waste management

Our community will be 100% off-grid. In order to do that, we need to be both smart about designing energy-efficient houses, as well as state-of-the-art, solar systems. We offer different financial alternatives that makes PV systems economically viable.

Our land has enough shallow water to sustain
our community, if we are responsible about it.
We will rely on biodigestors for waste
managements, and protecting our aquifier.